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Old 08-10-04, 03:00 PM   #7
The Light
Ca'lam's Avatar
Posts: 3,370
From: Saint Louis

Voted For: Mimesis

wow.. i liked this topic alot.. i was really feeling this..

box: i felt you did an ok job.. your begging started you off really slow, ad thats bad for topicals or any battle.. you need to apture the attention right fromthe get go and jsut work on holding it.. i wasent quite feeling the way you went with this.. it seemed like a dr dre type gulty concience type thing you know ?.. but i mean good job on it any way.. i just didnt connect with it as much as i did with mems..

mem: i really liked this.. i liked the way you broke it down in different dates.. the way u took this was wuite original.. the nobel prize, becaus ehe was motivated to create a prcedure to correct paralysis.. that was really original in my eyes.. that was a great verse.. keep up the good work in your topicals..

vote: mem..
Good job to both of you tho
Can I Metaphor?
Mixtape Pushed Back to mid september.. Holla at me for a copy still
I'm felt cause im real. Can you say the same ? Prolly not.

Proud OYD member again . <------- That is whassup