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Old 08-10-04, 03:12 PM   #5
Keith Moon
Thank You, Come Again
Posts: 3,908
From: Pomona, California

As I envision the impending diasaster before me
Hopeless only to tell others with a cry of warning
My feet tremble as the might of the mountain stirs within
I feel weak yet my heart pumps adrenaline to save my kin
The fear takes hold my legs weaken but I do not stop
Must make the bottom of them mountain before lava drops
AS I reach the bottom two paths off the mountain in my path
Left or right is the decision I must make for it can be my last......

Left the path of danger, rocks scorring the surface straight down
Maybe the safest path on my hell trip the way back to town
The mountains core trembles violently as I near the end
It errupts as I fall onto many rocks All I think is saving friends
My vision blurry, the pain unbearable and searing
Vision turning red, but my destination is finaly nearing
As I lay on the bottom of the hill, near the warning tower
Use my last strentgh to hoist my broken legs with all my power
My body wont obey, my last resort is ringing to warn all of doom
Reach for the rope, closer than a hair and finaly hear a boom
Bell rang my hope completed, my life sacrificed in the love for others
My happiness came as the lava came to claim me, safe children and mothers

As I run from my doom, the path of slavation away from death
I leave behind all civilization, I couldve saved on the left
As I reach my destination far away the earth quakes and breaks
From my hill I can see the chaos the erruption will cause and makes
Guilt spreads over me for my selfish un-godly deed of sin
The pain not from the fiery pit of domm but form within
watch the people die smothering in heat, houses destroyed my soul dies
And now it looks upon the heartless human in which no heart presides