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Old 08-11-04, 12:36 AM   #8
The Light
Ca'lam's Avatar
Posts: 3,370
From: Saint Louis

Voted For: VIRTUE

err... this battle wasent the most captivating..

general statement: neither one of you really was focus on how the sylables matched up.. and the rhyme scheme was elementry or not exciting..

aka:yours didnt really have any imagery.. it was jus tlike "my mom died so i cried" type thing.. work on the creativity..

virtue: wtf is that 15 years later shit lmao.. if your gonna do that.. the imagery needs to be very good.. you had an ok flow going... the orgininality wasent theere.. and the story line wasent.. but you pulled it out..

virtue had a better vocab and flow. and thats what ima base it on...

keep practicin ya topicals..

vote : Virtue...

ps: virtue iv seen much much much better from you.. get backon point..havent seen ne thing from you a.k.a
Can I Metaphor?
Mixtape Pushed Back to mid september.. Holla at me for a copy still
I'm felt cause im real. Can you say the same ? Prolly not.

Proud OYD member again . <------- That is whassup