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Old 08-13-04, 05:59 PM   #11
For$akeN's Avatar
Posts: 5,924

well....I wasn't expecting anything from either because I never
read there poetry or topicals before even though I battled Caliph
recently but I was's the breakdown for both.......


wow.... you had dope imagery and great emotion
taking place in your flow was on point but I wasn't
looking for just flow....I was looking mainly for the depth of
it and how your imagination is working.....and you did well
in mostly all the aspects you were basically describing the
picture which was nice and I understood it well.............

OVERALL: 7.5/10


wow again....nothing to expect this is the first
poetry type drop I ever saw you do in my life mayn.......
and you impressed me alot........your flow was nice.......
your imagery and storytelling were flawless..................
your imagination and depth you did was simply amazing
for the depth and emotion I was looking for...............

OVERALL: 8.5/10

Vote goes to: BigChase