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Old 08-14-04, 10:34 PM   #6
Rastafari Walk Tall
Acuity's Avatar
Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

so mc merc tinks he's bad enough to judge every1 else
4 u try and cuss others, ur bitch ass shud chek itself
u shud go and look in the mirror
and u'll understand y ur fam is always sick at dinner
yeh im arrogant and cocky
cos i can finish this in 2 roounds unlike rocky
u tha terminator made of steel
so ima b the 1000 degrees of heat only steel can feel
and melt n burn ur ass down
bury this liquid metal 6 feet underground
its gonna b hard to turn ur frown upside down
cos u realised u battlin' danigga wiv da rappin crown
cos ma lyrics are genetically engineered
to kill mc merc who was born queer