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Old 08-15-04, 08:18 AM   #81
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Posts: 57
From: intrumentality

Additional, U have to follow the topic given, U should post what ure "thinkin rite now" in freestyle.

Ive got a .. Napsack filled to the brim wit em stacks,
A corpse of a man, that I trapped and killed with a shank
Clogged their visions so cams couldnt catch a pic if they tried
robbed the system, this bank, so now Ima escape and then hide.
But wait.. that bitch "Grace" jus pushed an alarm, hidden.
My boy Richard, got killed from the guard, whose arms missin
So "swarm bitches, stay low on the floor" While I
-Run outta the door "Ya'll fuckas be screaming for mo?"
Hesitation is overwhelmed with sheer adrenaline, im skeltering.
Runnin between these hostages and corners where they shelter in.
Grabbing their purses, screaming for watches, and wallets,
At this moment Im tradin my fucken greed for my knowledge.
I shoula known better, but instead I stayed with it...
*sirens.. Fuck.. Now im caged...... DIPSHIT!

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