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Old 08-17-04, 06:25 PM   #9
As Seen On T.V.
Posts: 1,498

are we suppose to vote?

If So:


HaHa, i loved it. i mean...when you talk about beef on RV, you think of whos dishin hate to who. but Not When ava hits the block. i liked how you focused beef, as not an antitype. where there was only one meaning to it, instead of the usual two meanings to a word or punch. but the topical had to many commas, just run on sentences. nice work, but throw some word play in there, and add some stuct...not bad for you first topical... eh?


you used beef like most of the rest of RV would have, which in this case isnt good. b/c now ava's beat you in creativity, but you had nice wordplay and struct. which ava was lacking, but i didnt like your opening..or some of the filler lines. you had a good over look, you didnt get into a story type scenary. which i found good, b/c no one wants to here some made up refelction on beef. but you stayed vague and thats a strong point with your verse. hard desicion.


for the wild style of creativity and inovatism, ill give my vote to the topical rookie= ava

quote your own damn lyrics...
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