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Old 08-18-04, 02:36 AM   #1
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 672
9/11[we cant forget]


we cant forget
walked into school i was a freshmen
this was my problem
the events that followed things got crazy
at first it was just something but that something
turned into 9/11
i didnt get what was going on
all of a sudden
one of my friends came up to me ,emergency meeting
pull into your company's
and we gathered in the court
the reflection of our brass shined off of the walls
we lowered the flag , marched for a little bit
the headmaster took the podeom and spoke
then he said it , the towers have been hit
i couldnt believe it i didnt understand the confusion and the terror i saw
in the faces of everyone
scramblin one of the young men said "my dad is in the pentagon"
what the hell is going on?
passed a class room saw towers of smoke
i rushed to the class room and took seat
turned on msnbc , watched in horror i started to cry
i couldnt believe i was watching the death of thousands
i couldnt handle that , but for some reason i laid my head down and watched
the hours passed i went back to class, sat through it just amazed i couldnt believe the events i saw that day
then the questions arose ,
whats going to happen are we going to war?the hate i felt i'll never forget
something inside me burned , i knew what was going to happen

i went over to one of my friends houses we sat and just prayed together
i didnt i couldnt didnt want to believe what i had seen
it was jus a horror movie right?
i got home burst through the door to see my sister
moved to the couch
i sat there til 3 in the morning
praying for the dead and wounded
i couldnt understand how they could do this

i watched those towers fall , i had friends in nyc i tried to get in contact with them
nothing could get through
the thought of them dying tore me apart
this is to much , then watching those fools half way round the world
celebrating i couldnt imagine how they could enjoy this
the pain the suffering

but i knew from then on things had to change
jus a time for war


* i goto a all male military academy and these were jus a little bit of what i felt , it was a normal day and all of a sudden everything was turned upside down , lots of my classmates were going crazy because alot of them had parents that worked in the pentagon and were either on there way or in newyork city , i cant imagine the fear they felt, this is jus a little something , dont forget plz you cant , forever it will stay with me those events i witnessed , i cant believe our generation was shaped by this

much love to the pierponts your losses will be rememberd
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