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Old 08-18-04, 10:00 AM   #3
Posts: 175
From: Nottingham, England

Process my words, type them up and print them off
So you can feed off my rhymes like a pig from a trough
You’re a lonely computer nerd, your penis is flaccid and unused
Like Iraq’s destructive weapons when they were wrongly accused
Its unlucky for that Bush found no weapons there in Iraq
Coz that’s your only chance of staging a decent attack
Lose the front Yank, like a woman’s failed test on the smears*
Ill come at you like Tyson but bite off BOTH your ears!
After this battle ill be with you, no matter where you lurk
Cause my actions are more messed up than a 2 year olds artwork
You have only one fan, its electrical and blows air in your face
I just diminished your grace and CLOSED your UK hate case!!

*(Front=Breasts, failed smear test can = breast removal) hope u get it lol