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Old 08-20-04, 11:18 AM   #22
The Original Half Ass King
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Posts: 5,165
From: Canada

Voted For: Typical

Opener - Dusty, lol! so good
Closer - Neither, thoguht both were weak
Punches - Tie, I feel both verses had equally hard punches
Personals - Neither, Wasnt seeing them
Metas - Both had'em, thought it was close...
Multis - Typical, this is because I feel that Dusty was rhyming the same shit too much and I like a variety
Vocab - Both were great
Structure - Typical, I thought his flow was easier to read in my opinion

Overall I feel Typical took this because he had good structure, vocab and harder punches. Dusty, I thought yours was off the hook too, but you just rhymed the same stuff over and over, and dont get me wrong it was dope, but I think typicals were hittin a little harder, no hate dawg.

Very good battle, super close, props to both...