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Old 08-21-04, 10:49 AM   #1
Ms. Get Gully
Ms. Get Gully
Posts: 1,631
From: Fl
Damn a Def Poet..Damn a Deaf Poet..


fuck structure u all should know im not one for it.

When i Say Deaf Poet you might think wow
Def Poet on the Stage with an audience around
but i speak of a deaf poet who's actions feed off truth
the Passion of poetry is felt even though they not hearin u
when the sonnets spoken the difference is chosen
vision is broken, a vivid detail of spirit hype is unfocused
one flick of the finger n lift of his hand, thats when u realize he thinks livin is hopeless
u can put on a serious face and pose as a fan
hopin that he not notice you dont understand
but as this deaf poets hand moves and lingers thru this poetry affair
you start to realize even with out a voice the depth is still there
amazingly a beats playing as fingers move rapidly with rhythm
u quickly assume damn..this nigga been practicing for this one
paper given to you with the poem printed apon for viewers to read along
lettin the beat pop n thump as the words spill from ya impressed crani-um
i respect Def Poets,
But i give more props to a Deaf Poet Who understands the Hope
from Body Language n jestures of finger motions the most
Sound is absent,so you feel pain in the shit he wrote in this verse
but its more power felt when he puts his fist to his shirt
to let this audience know that this deaf poetry shit really hurts
so Damn..its true..Actions speak louder than words?
Damn a def poet...Damn... a Deaf Poet.
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