Thread: G vs Empire
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Old 08-22-04, 12:59 AM   #4
Peace....for now
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Posts: 987

I slice this his fat out of his face, make his appearance droopy,
cuz “Empire”s verse ‘bombs’, and is pointless like Fat Joe’s movie*!
You “dickride and scream” whackness, just like a “scared slut”,
I “fade” this bitch with ease, like a professional hair-cut!
Crack him like an egg, flip him, and make him fry snappy,
Stab him, and piss on his corpse…so he can “die-nasty”.**

*”Empire”..a gayass movie that didn’t make much money featuring Fat Joe.
**Empire..Dynasty (Die-Nasty)…get it.

–Youll get it.