Thread: CarsonJetx2
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Old 08-22-04, 08:16 PM   #77
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

^ Cause Carson is wack as fuck in text..

But yea.. there are outside circumstances to why someone couldnt do audio over the net..

My parents wont let me download kazaa lite again, cause the last time i had for like 2 days, then all these viruses got into my comp and crashed it..

So now, i record at my cousins house (CD comin out early next year!).. but the only comp we can record on there, doesnt have internet access..

But anywho.. despite my huge dislike of Carson, the point he said about kids choosin not to do audio is almost completely true, though their are extenuating circumstances, such as mine..

This thread was a huge disappointment though.. all the hype build up.. then nothin happens..

Now, you all should stop posting in here.

That is werd.
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