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Old 08-26-04, 06:52 AM   #1
-Zone Out-
Still Sick
Posts: 2,933
RV's Dumbest Member.


So, I was talking to Will A Peer on AIM today.
And she told me she got some shoes for school.
And I asked her what she got, and she then named like 20 pairs of shoes.
ROFL, it was obvious she was flipping through an Eastbay book, naming random shoes she came across.
then she acted like she didnt know what an EastBay was.
so, I laughed at her, and eventually, the conversation lead to swimming.
Well, I'll just let you have a look for yourself.

Suomron Eixid (6:10:56 AM): WTF!
Suomron Eixid (6:11:02 AM): You swim in shoes?
supersrapwoman (6:11:14 AM): yea y not
supersrapwoman (6:11:17 AM): in the river
Suomron Eixid (6:11:23 AM): ROFLMAO!
Suomron Eixid (6:11:25 AM): Sigged
supersrapwoman (6:11:43 AM): ok sig it
supersrapwoman (6:11:46 AM): i dont care
supersrapwoman (6:11:52 AM): theres nothin wrong with that
Suomron Eixid (6:11:58 AM): lol @ swimming in the river

she then continued to rant on and on how swimming in a nasty river was cleaner than swimming in a pool with chlorine.

supersrapwoman (6:21:15 AM): cause i swim in a river
supersrapwoman (6:21:29 AM): lol why because rivers are cleaner?
Suomron Eixid (6:21:35 AM): wtf?
Suomron Eixid (6:21:35 AM): no
Suomron Eixid (6:21:42 AM): rivers ARENT cleaner than pools
supersrapwoman (6:21:50 AM): yea they r

now, someone tell me.
How the hell is swimming in a river.
where other animals swim.
drink out of.
piss in.
where dirt constantly flows through it.
I mean, swimming in a river was fine, back like 10 20 years ago.
when there wasnt no pollution.
but ths bitch be swimming in chip bags in shit.

Suomron Eixid (6:28:30 AM): idiot
Suomron Eixid (6:29:12 AM): if the river you was swimming in was running, dont you think you would get pulled along with the current???
supersrapwoman (6:29:34 AM): and whats the use of siggin soemthing that i was right on and no 1 cares abotu when ur the most sonned one on rv

so, after she was made aware of how stupid she sounds, she gets mad, and wants to try to insult me.
by saying...

Suomron Eixid (6:29:49 AM): lol, im thge most sonned?
Suomron Eixid (6:29:55 AM): who has beaten me on rv?
Suomron Eixid (6:29:59 AM): exactly???

supersrapwoman (6:30:06 AM): lk merked ur ass
supersrapwoman (6:30:08 AM): and spul
supersrapwoman (6:30:12 AM): and triple n

^and whats so funny about that is.
I never battled LatinKitten.
me and Spul talk on AIM almost everyday.
and I havent even posted in the same thread with Triple N.
I dont even know him.
yet!, these people have "sonned" me.

that sounds like something an idiot would say, right?
moving on.

Suomron Eixid (6:30:19 AM): I never battled LK
Suomron Eixid (6:30:21 AM): OR SPUL
Suomron Eixid (6:30:24 AM): OR TRIPLE N
Suomron Eixid (6:30:25 AM): DUMBASS
supersrapwoman (6:30:28 AM): caus eur scareds

^you see that.
"caus eur scareds"

if you look at that closely, YES!, it seems like some form of english.
it is very hard to make out though.
and whats makes it so sad is, I think she's mad.
but, she types so much like a retard having a seizur, its hard to tell.

supersrapwoman (6:30:48 AM): no we merked u in the thread when we showed ppl ur audio lmao
Suomron Eixid (6:30:54 AM): so wtf are you saying?
Suomron Eixid (6:31:03 AM): you "merked" me?
Suomron Eixid (6:31:04 AM): how
Suomron Eixid (6:31:07 AM): when it wasnt my audio
Suomron Eixid (6:31:09 AM): genius
Suomron Eixid (6:31:11 AM): lol
Suomron Eixid (6:31:23 AM): you DO know to "merk" someone is to beat them

^lol, the bitch didnt even know what the work merk meant.

supersrapwoman (6:31:25 AM): ur audio ur a loser there now even new bs diss u when they see that thread lmao
Suomron Eixid (6:31:45 AM): wtf are you saying
Suomron Eixid (6:31:47 AM): new bs?
supersrapwoman (6:31:59 AM): wow ur gay

then, she calls me gay, because I dont know what thell she be talking about when she types.
you see kids, thats why you dont make fun of that retard class that walks in a straight line down the hallway in your school
you damage them for life.
and they grow up, and have kids, and then their kids go on rapsites and name themselves "Will A Peer" and thinks they dope because they get into a sub par crew thats basically dying and wouldnt last 2 minutes in an actual battle off the net, let alone on it against anyone that has even an ounce of skill.

There ya go!.
R.I.P. Bodie
Pay Homage To The Best
If you think you better than holla!
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