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Old 08-26-04, 08:34 AM   #24
Posts: 97

Originally Posted by sHoTTaBoY
Only thang CERTAIN is DEATH//
Yea MS, you got SKILLZ But what good are they when i got my hand over ya mouth n have you gaspin for one last BREATH

Naaaw, i dont mean no disrespect, baby ya rhymes are off the PAGE
I mean Literally, they so hot they jumpin off screen like Limp Bizkit jump off STAGE!
Lemme see u back it up n touch ya toes n have these nigguhz in A CRAZE
Yo MS, I Got the reefer, chill wit me n we can 'JUS BLAZE'
My rhymes deserve nuthin but props n PRAZE
I'm takin nigguhz chips n leave em with nuthin but a bag of empty LAYS

I'ma shit down ya throat n spill a red SUBSTANCE
I Got my hand on the trigger an this could be over in an INSTANCE

The rap games was yours, Now Its My THING
Monkey see, monkey do so make like the rest of em an BOW TO THE KING

I'm thru with this cypher
anytime u wanna do it again, juss holla n i'll DELIGHT-YA

S H O T T A......You juss been SLAIN, Somebody better HOLLA

Yo MS.SKILLS.......I LOOOVE Ya Flow, Keep Em Comin, You Got MAD Talent, Much Respect Babygirl

Likkle shotta, wha gwaan? You doin' aiight, Brotha?/Thanks for 'da compliment, Darling, but two things: I don't smoke and I'm probably old enough to be ya mother/lol Okay, well not your mother, but your big sister indeed/But I'm diggin' ya lil' steez so you can be my lil' brotha which brings me to the question: WHY YOU SMOKIN' WEED!?/Ha See how I be on some other tip/I'm well balanced, got book smart, street smarts, and mother-wit/So what da deal on this site, cats runnin' up. They must not know they just can't handle it/I represent like Queen Sheba, on 'da side of Melenik/What'chew know about the metaphysical/But yo they say 'one nation under God' but look out it's ALL divisible/Anyway, don't let me go off on another tangent and all that stuff/On a final note though, make sure you tell your fellow boardies I'm nice but not to be tested, cuz I'm quick to call a bluff
Aluta Continua.. Victory is certain!