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Old 08-26-04, 07:32 PM   #5
Above All Else
Posts: 186
From: 6-5-0

Topic: Peer Pressure

What everyones talkin about

My friend tells me ta go to this party at some white kids house...
Heard its the party of the year includin free beer's wit out a doubt...
PPL expectin me to go wen i don't, but worryin bout my reputation..
So I guess I have no choice but to go cuz im stuck in dis situation...

The Party

this is the first party i've went to, well this is the first time im inivited..
But as soon as I arrive, my friends offer me a drink, forcin me ta try it...
I keep denyin, then i think that they now see me in a different way...
Thinkin that i'll loose my friends, "Okay, i'll try once!" is wut i say...
I try just a little, as I drink the red cup, they wait and stay quiet...
I could tell they're waiting to see my reaction so I lie n say I like It...
I continue though in my head what im doing I hate n really do despise it...
My feelins I disguise it, though stop drinkin n rest, rachel advised it..
I shoulda listend but I just thought wut she sed to do isn't cool enough..
And it showed she was stronger to deny drinkin n dat I ain't tough...
She told me we should leave cuz all of these people are just loosers..
Also we're the only girls, and after 1 hour five guys tried to seduce her...
Me already bein drunk, I ignored her cuz i really liked the attention...
Every guy treated me like i was special, even though i never met em..
She kept whisperin to me these big words, but i couldn't understand em...
Got irratated cuz she's demandin, I socked her n everyguy was laughen.
I laughed with them and wen I turned around she took my keys n jst left..
I didn't care anymore, so i went with the music and began to undress...
"Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!" they were sayin encouragin me to go a lil further...
So I did, I made out wit five guys straight and later on dis somethin worster..
I went up to the room with this guy, he sat next to me n kept talkin sweet..
Me not thinkin straight, I thought he was the one cuz he sed he luvs me..
He took out a condom, I told him to put it away cuz i knew i just wasn't ready..
He kept insistin, then I thought all my friends has done i sed "plz go steady"..
After an hour we finished, he said he'll be back after he used da restroom..
But instead he told all his friends, it went from one guy 2 da next dude...
I felt abused n used, so for payback I took his wallet and car keys..
I drove it knowin I was drunk, drove passed red lights n heard car beeps...
I was drivin 70 on a slick n wet a road dat ur suppost to drive less then thirty...
I didn't even know where i was goin, but then all in a sudden I started swerving..
I ran a red light for the 5th time, but this time I hit this small red little buggy....
Wen I opend my eyes it was my friend rachels body in the window all bloody...

Whats In My Mind

I hate myself!!!For tryin to be cool, for just always tryin ta be better...
I can't believe all of this happend in one nite just cuz of peer pressure..

Buggy: Its a car if you don't know

note...dis is not a tru