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Old 08-27-04, 03:18 AM   #8
Spoke eyE
New to RB
Posts: 16
From: Dark corners
This was feedback posted for J DOT


If I was old enough to vote I'd be voting J Dot, and NOT because Tru Ryda is a talentless biting piece of crap whose one win so far was a 5-0 self-voted victory in a battle that he didn't even show up for or drop a single word in (spread the word). Nor would I vote J Dot because CockRyder ACTUALLY USED A PUNCHLINE FROM 8 MILE not so long ago. Nor would I J Dot because Tru Ryda tries and fails to bite my medical descriptives here...No, I'd vote J Dot becuase it flows, it makes sense and there's good verbal trickery and plenty of broad references - its faithful to the tradition but its evolved too and doesn't rely on well used couplets and clichés. Tru Ryda raps like Jenny from the block and clearly should stick to developing his skills at the BurgerKing hotplate cuz Hiphop stardom will always elude that manky cat. By the way CockRyda, you dodgin two call outs from me you fucking pussy. TWO FUCKIN CALL OUTS! Nice rhymin J Dot.
One eyE on the TV and the other one under it, punctured, bust, and gathering dust, teeth like rust, skin like piecrust, nose all bust ugly as fuck, but still Ol Spoke eyE be Righteous and Just.