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Old 08-27-04, 03:47 PM   #37
Posts: 175
From: Nottingham, England

Voted For: Avanish

pretty decent battle

Flooze- i can see quite a bit of thought went into this verse. Opener was kinda weak but you picked up and hit with some nice punches like the oil line. Flow was ok but it fell off in some place and your structure is alright. The j-kwon line was pretty weak so you need to work on your consistancy but all in all it was a pretty decent verse

P-Dizzle- Your rhyming was kinda basic, the booty call line was wack but the finish was sick. Make all your lines like that then you will deffinatly record more wins, for sure. Flow was good and structure was ok, just lacked consitant punches. Like i sed there were a few weak ones in there. Work at it though, there's deffinatly potential.

So my vote goes to Flooze...

Also please can you vote FAIRLY on my battle with Word Processor, been slept on for a while and needs finishing. Please take the time out to vote, i did....