Thread: Help!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-27-04, 07:24 PM   #1
badgurl3136's Avatar
Posts: 136
From: In The Middle Of Hell....WV


it was 11:00 at night and i was gettin ready to go to bed
but sumthin was wrong thoughts were running through my head
i want to sleep not knowing what the next day would bring
my friend was in a gang and now there was a new king
my mom came in my room around 1:30am that night
not knowing but my head feeling was really was right
she said he's gone and i broke into tears
knowing the impossible had became my fears
i was a wreck but i knew i had to go to school the next day
they played he's favorite song and sent me on my way
i was a slient as a mouse, the 1st day i didn't have detention
itz a amazing how sumthin like this could get my attention
now i have alot of things on my mind
weres the gang, should i kill my own kind?
Does two wronges really make it right?
what would hav happined if i would hav been there that night?
now i'm all depressed with no answers for my questions
what do u think, any suggestions?
So what chicks can rap too/
you just won't battle me cause i can beat u/

Respect List:
AKA (down, and keepin it real)
KoObOo (A true friend wouldn't be the right words)
The Disciple (mmmm Tight probbly wouldn't be the word) lol
Tony Montana (thiz my main boi for rapping)
Ciara Myst (hey if u cant beat em', join em')
phatom (he jus got skill)
LivenLegend ( thiz my friend for life)
fluidmoon (she got ova half ya'll beat)
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