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Old 07-06-02, 09:06 AM   #3
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...great depth to it...emotions were pure and strong...some home truths were 'spoken' most def...executed very well....imagery was superb ish all the way through....

"Why is da worst perception of life seen thru windows..??
why is that...i dream nightmares..and never wake up on a pillow..??
Still tho....I'm like a flower wit it's petal's fallin down.....
once at top of it's's overweighed by it's crown..//
why is da best felt emotion felt thru a frown..??
and yet silence still as it's own sound...//"

^^^^i was most definetly feeling this part, some real home truths in this one...especially the part about dreaming nightmare, but never waking up on a pillow....but really i felt it all hard and deep anyway....

"We fight for good...but bad wayz we go about it....
Conflicts disease...our self esteem...and stuck here shoutin...//
it's like for da first time standin at da bottom lookin up at da mountain..//
lookin in da stars..and wishin you could count them..
without em...we prolly be confused...walk da wrong direction...which path to choose..??//"

^^^this part was very well put hit a few home truths for sure....

we lose time to heaven in it's prime....
meanin to dis's takin once it reach it's shine..//
kinda like mine...but i live to tell...
so i wonder am i da man we know in hell...//
caused bright stars to rise and then fell..
and it don't sit tears turn farther...
drop to da floor..another drop,,,it just makes thingz harder..//
Kinda Like "Our Father" Who's Art is In heaven....
little love here...pain over here...and that's wut i'm gettin...//
my final can we forget a killer..??
i preach da truth of life, death, I am Da Poetic Sinna......//

^^^^ was a great round off to a superbly put piece...once again many home truths in this one....especially the part about life's takin once it reach its's shine, kind like min, but i live to tell....

mucho respect for this blud...stay strong....and keep on exorcising your 'ghosts' within....but fight with restraint and thoughtful control when confronted with obstacles in 'reality'....inner control is the key....respect....
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