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Old 08-31-04, 10:48 PM   #22
~Lady Fiya~
~*Duchess of Metaphors*~
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Posts: 4,458
From: chi-town

Voted For: Shabba Ranks

shabba said he'd beat me, but the rumor was he lied
u get no laughs.. but u could humorous and die..
^first line not bad, but kinda lame.. second half made up for it.. so 6/10

you can't gain a rep, drop the luck & fame kid
cuz cats cant even discern what ya fucking name is
^lame first half again seriously, other half even worse.. so 4/10 cuz at least it rhymed..

i hate u, wack bitch.. why is this man competing
u could be a poetic expert & still not stanza beating ..
^u stepped it up, "i hate u" sounds like Baby Boy remake.. the more i think about it, *faints* other half, way better, 7/10

fists to face - i'll leave ya dome checkered & dude
even the system that checked in has a better record than u
^first half, hell no.. don't repeat the "check" part, but lmao.. ha ha last segment brought it back to 8/10 lmfao

you suck - and battle wise you don't move kids
so i show my wit thru the fact that i won't use it
^very nice, world famous, u sproutin' nigga.. second half once again helpin' u out.. 8/10

what mores he spittin? on the forum doors its written
hardwood aint boners, its the fucking floor he's hitting..
^ i got this punch but it wasn't very effective, so i give it 7/10 cuz i liked the multis...
good job, world famous..
40/60 = 66.66% World famous

You wack and battled Shabba cuz nobodies heard of you...
So this white boy ranks as high as his fuckin vertical...
^the first line not bad at all.. the white boy and vertical part might go over people heads, but i got that.. lmfao plus u used ur name dissin' him.. creativity.. nice.. 8/10

You the bad kid in the class, so of course Im gettin the upperhand...
We can even have a rematch, Ill son you as many times as youve been banned
^nice personal, very nice the banned part grabbed attention.. plus the upperhand, bad kid, part was very nice.. good job.. 7/10

Think this site's is wack, well its a damn shame...
When i get in your league, the closest to the playoffs you'll get is punches off my name
^nice again, personal hit very well plus the punch.. it coulda been better but oh well, 6/10

And you wonder why half this sites mad at you...
Your the fag who brags about his wins....then battles newbs...
^ha ha very good ha ha newbs part might not rhyme dependin' on the way u say it, but i got the point.. and funny.. lol 7/10

And pulls bitchmade moves...You know what Im talkin about right?
Lets just say, your not shuttin me down, your just gonna shutdown our site
^better closer overall.. first half not well put but the second half makes up for it, therefore- 8/10
good job shabba ranks..
36/50= 72% shabba ranks

Shabba gets my vote, line by line break down proves it, both of y'all coulda worded some of y'all phrases a lil' better.. but it's over and done with.. nice punches both ways, and nice creativity from Shabba Ranks, the first bar.. personals lean more towards shabba side cuz he mentions world famous gettin' banned, lol, and tryna get the site shut down because he was removed from his mod position, lmfao, and it fell in the correct spot of your flow.. lmfao.. world famous yours flowed well but the material this time was off except one line was real tight.. anyways, take that advice and you'll be fine.. good luck with the battle y'all my vote's SHABBA RANKS..
~*Lady Fiya*~
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