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Old 09-01-04, 04:06 PM   #26
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Posts: 59
From: Cali

my vote would go 2 my people cham. strictly cuz thats crew,Im just being honest.(thats probally why crews cant vote!lol!)

haha fo sho i think dats y crews cant vote but dat sheit funny bout chew down south lol never heard of dat ......... but good sheit on droppin ur thoughts down

i mean a hot dog wit legs? he is so sick he lives in a ambulence, i mean wouldent that mean hes real good? ionno yo,

sinn once again ur thought proccess is crazy as fuck but makes sense to me aite tx for ur input
people talk but who listens.......i dont give a shit wat u think.............u dont mean shit to me.........but if u do mean sumthing............wat u think can destroy me...............da reason why i hav cuz i LOVE so much