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Old 09-02-04, 03:08 PM   #13
selah david
New to RV
Posts: 77
From: Detroit
Exclamation What the fuck is wrong with yall


Originally Posted by ~Genicide~
i dont understand it.. now im white.. and i have said "nigga" now i dont want any hate but i dont get it.. if "nigga" means brother or whatever then why cant white people say it now i can undertsand why people get pissed when "ger" is used but i mean if u can call eachother that whats wrong with me saying it... i know i probably dont understand but i would like to

It's not "o.k." for anyone (including black people to say the word) It was created to be used as an insult by whites (who are your *genicides* decendants). Black people say they use the word because it means something else to them but the truth is we say nigga out of anger and when people act stupid too, just as much as we say it when we're saying :thats my nigga" or "what up nigga".In my opinion black people use the word nigga to remind each other that one is not better than the other and that we are on the same level hence terms like "wall street nigga" or "gutta nigga". Let me also remind you that certain dictionaries define nigger (nigga) as an ignroant person,(even though that is only to detach the word itself from it's original intent). White people are especially not entitled to this word because they are the decendants of the oppressors, and for you to use that word freely is insensitive and ignorant. Why do feel the need to have the freedom to use that word when no matter how much you try to relate to us you will always be what you are and certain doors will always be open to you and closed to us. That's just the way it is. And it is so ignorant for black people to give white people the permission to say "nigga" or give them an "honorary ghetto pass". Someone tell me what the fuck that is all about? So what's wrong with you using the word is you are'nt black, you can not fully indentify with and understand our struggle, even if you live in the "ghetto" because there is still a greater advantage in your favor, it's just up to you to take advantage of the opportuinty. does that answer your question?

Selah (think about it)
Politics and politrix are the same thing because the whole point of the political process is to trick us into giving a particular candidate our favor. So why do people feel so clever when they use the word politrix?
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