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Old 09-02-04, 03:19 PM   #28
selah david
New to RV
Posts: 77
From: Detroit

I think Pac's popularity was a reslut of the energy he gave off. Pac was exciting, and people liked that. I dont think Pac was a thug or the best rapper but when he did his thing on certain songs he did his thing. Pac not being a thug was'nt a bad thing cause it goes to show you that you can be talented and not be involved with what people consider "thug/gangster" like activity. and I dont think it takes away from his street cred at all. So in conclusion I think pac is disrespected when people ride his dick, and I think he's disrespected when people hate on him. he was powerful and every ounce of him was completely human which expalins his often cotradictive statements...

Selah (think about it)
oh yeah, if you wanna find out the meaning behind my signature, read "Mos Intellects Do Not Believe In God" in the Lyricist Lounge
Politics and politrix are the same thing because the whole point of the political process is to trick us into giving a particular candidate our favor. So why do people feel so clever when they use the word politrix?
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