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Old 09-02-04, 03:49 PM   #132
Banned: Racism
Arian's Avatar
Posts: 11

aye i just wanna know what yall think bout this. i say we should kill them all. oh yeah, if you wanna kill one right now, empire keeps sayin "nigga" but is realllllllly white.

Can we kill the black man for saying cracker? How bout we kill the mexicans for saying wop, I know lets gang up on the jew's for just being jew's lmao. If your gonna cry over a word than you are an idiot. You think you got fuked over somehow because of slavery? If so your even more retarded than you let on. Yeah it's true that slavery was wrong but look at the good that happened because of it. Michael Jackson (well maybe thats still wrong lol) Ali, Jessie Jackson, Colon Powell, Michael Jordan, Tiger woods, Martin Luther King, ect.ect.ect. No matter what you want to believe if it werent for slavery those names would not exsist and you would probably be eating a native from another tribe at this very moment just to survive. If it's that bad you can go back to your roots right? They sell plane tickets everyday but I doubt you'd wanna go to africa huh? Youd rather cry over stupid shit like my sig pic lol and my user name but you wouldnt cry If I had a black panther sig. Or an NAACP sig. Stop usen shit for a crutch "that white guy said nigga let's kill him for it" because it's rediculas. You wanna know who got fuked? The Indians got fuked and the bad thing about it Ive never heard one indian ever cry about it.
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