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Old 07-08-02, 08:49 PM   #6
Posts: n/a

Looked what I found on page 3, aint what I usually see... AHAHAHA, a UK joke, iLL... This is mos def a piece of art, and has been hella slept on... The imagery combined with the figuarative language makes this a winner, its detailed and goes straight to your head, definately a thinking verse... The vocab is hot as always, nice knowledge words... Like your new style Sir K2, its sharper and quiccer, a more indepth style... I would love to hear this in audio... WAIT, imma be doing this in audio with you... The mos iLLest lines...

Tha Flavour Knowledge Offers From Behind A Mask Renounced Tha Bravest Face…
Monitor How Life Craves Disgrace By Increasing Its Intensity In Order To Create More Waves…
Of Which A Mind Rides Tha Crest In Its Daily Chase To Ensure That Hate’s Replaced…

^^ The sharpness of your rhythm is iLL sun...

Voyaging Through A Confusion What Is Labelled As A Blatant Phase Judgments Shift To Make A Play…
Turns Round Only To Race Away To Unknown Regions Trying To Escape Tha Maze…

^^ And thats strictly the troof, if you can understand it... Thats UK grimey, keep dropping the gems man... iiS for ever and united, lets jus do this now...

Peez God...
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