Thread: How it is...
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Old 09-07-04, 02:57 AM   #1
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali
How it is...


Okay, so yeah I loved her then, but now its a different case...
I can talk to her without stuttering now, look her in the face...
Of course there are still feelings there, but not very strong...
I can sit down and not cry now listening to a love song...
I can walk by her house without wanting to knock on the door...
I can talk to her friends without mentioning her name more and more...
I can sit close to her without wanting to lean over and kiss her...
I can go A WHOLE DAY, without saying how much I miss her...
I can see her everyday and not want to be the nicest I can...
I can ignore the way she moves every time I see her dance...
I can go to bed at night not thinking about her till i sleep...
I can talk to her one on one and not stand with shaky feet...
I can do all these things yet there are stills signs of them around...
I can't forget about how much I loved her, as easy as it sounds...
I can't tell myself she aint shit, without knowing I'm lying to myself...
I can't look at her man, and not want to jeoperdize his health...
I can't say her name without a short burst of love in my heart...
I can't look at her face and not see God's perfect piece of art...
I can't resist the feeling of hoping that she will love me someday...
I can't go through the weekend without realizing why I love Mondays...
I can't let her be away from me, hate me, or don't trust me...
I can't believe I wont go around her even if I'm a little bit musty...
I can't wait for her to read this and see what she has to say...
This is how I am and how I feel, and how it will be till my last day...

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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