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Old 09-07-04, 04:47 AM   #7
New to RB
Posts: 85

LIKED IT BUT.. (& yo please don't be offended)
I think the intro has a fallacy in it(the whole 'white men' against blaks voting thing.) 'White men', and by white I'm sure u mean racist/bigotted ones, don't care if blaks, or any minority groups for that matter, vote. See the 'white men' u speak of created a contemptuos little invention, under the guise of preventing voting attrition by any single state, called the ELECTORAL COLLEGE. With this single institution, 'they' ensured that , no matter who 'WE THE PEOPLE' vote 4, only persons that meet their status quo (ideally a WASP) would ever get elected. (JFK did slip thru the cracks though, but we all know what happened to him.) [cont on next post]
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