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Old 09-07-04, 05:19 AM   #8
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Posts: 85

What's my point? Only that Voting is not the answer for blacks. Instead, I believe that only thru widespread Mastery(meaning the Learning and Application) of the Principles of True Wealth (namely ownership of CAPITAL and the MEANS TO PRODUCE CAPITAL) ,by blaks as a whole-not just a few supposed exceptions, can blaks ever truly hope to ELEVATE AS A PEOPLE. This would probably have to be inacted at the family level (meaning Parent w/ their kids) for it to work, just like the pakistanis and koreans. Anywho I leave it 2 u 2 theorize on that further, and maybe that could be what the next 2 verses are about--HOW 2 FIX THIS SHIT, How blaks (or any minority group can Elevate as a Whole.) Anyway I went brittanica and shit nuff sed. 1
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