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Old 09-08-04, 11:34 AM   #1143
Hates Fucking Idiots
GangsStarShit's Avatar
Posts: 1,608
From: South East


Oh my god i've gonn made ya cry,
Say goodbye coz u got sonned 1 more time,

Like Britney u want me to slap ya again,
But fuck hittin u smack ur self wit the pen, (when he writes)

Fuck ur wack rap i beat ya once but i'll stop at ten,
But outta ten ur lyrics get a minus seven so back down and don't fend,

Osama hit up Dre but subliminally meant u,
Coz hearin u spits funny like that one bout DJ Clue, (against me)

U ain't got a clue if u did u'd stop wit the insults,
And take ya loss like a man instead of cryin coz we adults,

And this is a cypher so why u spittin at full strength?,
It ain't hard it's jus u a pussy thats what i meant,
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