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Old 09-08-04, 02:25 PM   #12
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Yo ppl r fuckin wit dis brotha 4 da wrong reasons....
It isnt 400years ago we know dat he knows dat but the fact of the matta is sum of dat shit still goes on and every black man or ethnic minority race anywher knows that. He aint sayin every white person is racist or tryin to imply but u hav 2 understand dat shit black ppl go through isnt neccesarily experienced by white people. If ur a white person in tha hood den dnt lie u shud b able to c wat goes on. If u dnt understand ne of y'all ur jus bein damn a film like boyz n tha hood, ice cube sayz it betta than i cud explain
"eitha they dnt know
they dnt wanna know
or they jus dnt giv a fuk bout tha hood" black ppl die evry day in th hood u aint hear shit, white 17yr old dies in ur lil suburb its national tv.

I baliev dat is a sensitive subject and a gd ting 2 rhyme bout, but y'll gotsta c wen rhyming bout tingz like dat prejudices and stereotypes of all races are gonna come up

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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