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Old 09-12-04, 02:48 AM   #7
Posts: 2,944
From: Bmore, Murderland

Voted For: Phantom

ima have to give this one to u son....

Opener:Phantom....i gave u this aspect becuz it was just betta then livin legends..
Personals:Livin only got this becuz i didnt see any personals in phantoms verse..
Puncheshantom...becuz ya punches hit hard as well as some funny ones..such as....
yeah you runnnin shit, and you takin it pretty far...
was gunna drop some personals, but nobody knows who you are...

Wordplay: ima say seemed like legends shit was too simple..
Closer:Phantom...OMFG legend that punchline was weak as shit...i could make a punch right now that would been betta then that...what was u thinkin son??

Overall: Phantom took alot of the aspects of this battle...becuz Legends punches were....simply stil ltrippin off dat closer...L:egend hella elevate....and dont try to call me out...cuz yes i will merk you...but no hate..just a honest vote..big up to Phantom..

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