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Old 09-13-04, 08:44 PM   #27
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Lets Keep it Actually on Factuals you dont have any Factions
You Resemble a Spine Injury Victim~~Come with no Actions
ummm thats unbeliveably weak, he always uses those weak little sickness similes...
You will Never "Shyne" in any of your Delivered Rhymes or Lines
Dizzle Givin out "Gifted Scriptures" is like 16 Bars spit by Mime's
this is the weakst line ever.....doesnt even truly make sense
Dont Underestimate your Commander and Chief Let me be Bleek Take's Lyricism to Write like Tonsel'Itis Im takein away your Speech
taking away yur speech!? by takin out tonsils? extra weak....
Your 9-2 So you Only Surface once in a while Like "Field Mole's"
u Droppin Sic is like an Ankle and Knee Amputee kickin Field Goals
ehh this was coo but still pretty damn weak

that was weak. if trooper keeps spittin like that, hes gunna get continually owned...

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!