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Old 09-14-04, 03:07 PM   #12
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

i disgree wit dren and by the way...this is a wack ass subject 4 a thread

u say pacs lyrics were crap bcos he didnt use long as words like nas or common sense or sumin bu thats vocab not lyrics..wat pac said in some of his songs was so real every1 in tha world cud feel wat he was saying..he represented a true voice of tha gutta that every1 cud identify wit....he was fake wat part? all his socially conscience were influenced by tha hood, news and his youth as a black to pac recycling look at every1s album even like rakim or nas....every1 has a distribution of trax very few rappers hav a whole album of social shit cos at the end of tha day they in tha game to make paper and get up out tha hood u get to him being in contention for tha greatest of all time there shud b no competition without pac cos to date i struggle to identify a rapper who has touched so many ppl, sold as many records and influenced tha world as he has and thats real. word to motha. Peace out

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