Thread: A Lil Somethin
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Old 09-16-04, 12:25 AM   #1
Banned: Cheating
EmerginMc07's Avatar
Posts: 787
From: Chi Town
A Lil Somethin



i sit back n relax try to kick back but i cant i think for a sec n reflect on how we wud b at eachothers neck n da next sec we showin luv
n respect, its fukin crazy is u tryin to play me or lay me down to sleep so i creep emotionally beat fuk bein sweat im pointin fingers
but da hurt lingers i aint pointin da index or da ring, im pointin da one n only thing that keeps me emoitonally ready to let me b me
n show u da truth behind da wall, i tried to beg n crawl, but evry fukin second of evry fukin day we stall, thought it was yall above all,
am i rong? have i ben mistakin, have yall ben replacin, whats wit this hatin?, that got me n my room pacin, contiplatin if i evn got
real frends there racin to cum chill in my basement no real atributes im jus sayin, wat happned wen we wud chill bout 10 of us,
now u got gurls n lust, wheres da trust, did we jus combust?, did da bubble bust, we was 2 of a kind cudnt double us, now look ur
hooked n shes shooked cant ask u to go no where ur shedule's booked, no point in evn askin what happned yall snappin im not there
dats jus sum wite dudes lips flappin dont evn listen dude is jus yappin but sum shit but he jus do rappin he cant chill wit us he aint koo
enuf to act tough n act like im buff walkin on tipy toes to look up man fuck that whats that im fuked up i guess but this is jus
how da fuck i feel.
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