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Old 09-16-04, 10:47 PM   #45
New to RB
Posts: 85

Dren u say N.Korea is no threat, well then Why Are We Still at War with them? The U.S. Only Signed an Armistice with them, and thats only a 'Temporary Agreement to Suspend Hostilities( fighting.)' See it Wasnt a Peace Treaty that we signed with them. Next let me Re-emphasize to u the fact that N.Korea HAS FIRED MISSLES OVER OUR ALLY JAPAN ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION. This was done to intimidate japan and the rest of the asian nations in that region. Real harmless. Next, don't think that just because a people are poor or small that they are no threat. Thats Shortsighted and Foolish, better remember the little corporal Napolean, the other little corporal Adolf and his obscure little Political Party(the NAZI Party), the poor little yellow people of N.Vietnam( oops I mean 'of Vietnam'), the little tiny ass island called England(at one time the Sun could not set on her Empire because it was so vast), the small and poor little nobody named David( who killed a giant [Goliath]), the little group of 19 Saudi Hijackers who Devastated Our Nation on Sept 11th 2001 etc etc. See how many things in the past were perceived as non threats, because of their size or lack of wealth, until it was too late. Therefore Don't Fukkin Tell Me that The North is no Threat, just 'cause they appeared to look weak to u while u lived in S.Korea( probably as a military brat and not a servicemen.) The North lives very isolated from the rest of the World, but they are constantly threatening to destroy the U.S. whenever they do choose to communicate. Lastly, have u kept up with the News lately. A big ass Explosion was detected in North Korea[not the train thing] , which left a giant smoke plume( uh I wonder what that could have been?) and it's suspected that it was their first test of a Nuclear Bomb. So wake the Fuk up and smell the Beef they got cookin. More importantly I hope our Leaders do and soon.
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