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Old 09-18-04, 01:43 PM   #35
~IiL PrOpHeT~
Banned: Biting
Posts: 476

im prolific, you'll be needing your share of anticeptics, my power is mistic~
~shows how stupid ya ass is cause all your raps are pre-scriptive*~
^^^^^^^^ Aight nice opener good punches

~ima end this right here, dont debate i leave you facing your fate~
~discrasing-ya-face, faggot makes elton john look straight~
~gott ya in a bag, ima fuckin boss-on-the-track~
~i dont even need to drop-a-mack, by the looks of all the losses-you-have**~
^^^^^^^^ Aight nice personals and punches good dayum (fiya)

i dont joke or kid, get rid of you cause im from the cali-bay~
~rallies-may, insue when you like MOP yelling out Fire, gettin whipped in a alley-way~
~stop the bite-fightin, im right-to-smite-you-and~
~you couldnt beat me if i was hollyfeild, and you was mike-tyson~
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Good closa w/ da personals and a punch

What you’re lacking is…:the flow fundamentals and the content credentials…
Detrimental blows potential to leave you with shattered dentals…I consent essentials…
^^^^^^^^^ Aight nice multi'z and punches (hot)

I’m pissed off…so I’ll begin by sawing your knees off instead…
Plus I’m ‘coming off the top’ like ‘rubbing fleas off your head’…
I strike boards with swords then strangle you with my mic-chord…
I’ll pause while the shots go down like the moment when Mike-scored…(MJ vs Utah)
^^^^^^^^^^ Aight mayne nice punches good wordplay'z

I school kids…and we aint got to step on the ball court for me to do this…
I’ll leave you clueless…the battle resembles my dick the way you blew this…
Screw this…I’m dismissing…leaving kids missing and dissing with each script…
Steady and ready to hit with sickest spit I deliver shots when fully equipped…
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Whoa nice mayne good closa fo sho dis an hot battle lol

Yo dis an hot battle,,,,,,, but i have to go with da D becuz he had personals and punches and good flow

yo mayne scriptive u had good punches and flow but it didnt hit harder,,,,,,,, u say u elevate tru tru homie...

but i have to give dis vote to Deliquint becuz of harder punches and personals
