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Old 07-12-02, 09:33 AM   #1
LaDy TrInItY
Posts: n/a
Whats in I love you


Once thought of love as a special gift from that special person.//
But now Its hard to even begin the word I can't say it.//
Decepion and grief, I wont believe intil comes along that special person.//
But when will I know he has come, I have to think and sit.//
How will I know he wont break my heart like the rest of them.//
How will I know its love instead of lust, i can't.//
To me love has been a thing that i can only share with a friend.//
My ex, he did not love, all he did was call me ugly and fat.//
When will I know, when will it happen.//
I'll never know, because no guy will not hurt me.//
They all tell me, all it is, is sappy.//
How can they tell me a lie, such as love, i can't let it be.//
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