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Old 09-19-04, 12:17 PM   #16
..Friends Change..

Voted For: Lil Rip

quick vote

0punches- Rip
personals- Rip
multis- Rip
metas- Rip
word play- Rip
flow- Rip

Rip one of the better verses ive read from ya. good punches and a personal wit some word play. keep elevatin

+2 I always seem to find a match u r at. Put more effort in your verses.

" i'll beat you like guys beat there liltle brother//
and if you say you fuck my mom remember that's your grandmother//" nice flip of a used punch

"my lines are like fire they heat up then given 3rd degree
lil rips a retard at school he's in 1st grade learning his ABC" re do the 2nd line and itd be a great punch.
