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Old 09-19-04, 12:29 PM   #14
..Friends Change..

Voted For: Wrecker

confusing battle

punches- wreck
personals- yung
multis- wreck
metas- wreck
word play- wreck
flow- wreck

Wreck explain your verse after u drop it. good verse just confusin as hell. try some personals too.

Yung verse wuz way too elementary compared to wreck. try personals too.

"Ye True Nightmare Da Reason Why You Dye In Dreams, So I'll Put |Y.B. Down (why be down?)| Like |Confused Teens|." this is me. confused teen. good closer though

"he calls himself Wrecker how gay can u get//
he thinks hes cool coz he has a 25 stone gal hu is in dept//" um ok personal
