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Old 09-19-04, 03:40 PM   #179
Lil Nae2
Its Da Real Deal
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Posts: 438

How this kid thinks he can condradict my name
But your forgetting kid, you're a fucking noobs who's got no game//
I set-you-up for being punk'd cause otherwise its not fun
you try and think your a gangsta by carrying an plastic airsoft gun//
How dare this noob call-me-out to battle him un-ortho-dox
I'll spit sick punches that'll give him chicken pox//
See my middle fingers kid, they're pointed at you
Chances of you winning this battles like a Jew in W.W.II//
Then you try to fuck-me-over with unlimited bars kid
I'm Lil Nae, I've killed more people than the exorcist did//
You pay other guys to fuck-you, so you just can get laid
Well obviously you're gay cuz your names, Aitz is gay//
Or look at it another way that says you're not really gay
It just says Aitz-is a fag//
Don't feel bad cuz there's other fags on this site
The only things that's different is that they don't have to bite//
You prolly got your name from a character in a game
All the sudden you wanted to text battle, but the words never came//
Its not your fault that your rhymes are lame as can be
Just correct your wrong ways and don't want-to-be//

No ones gonna stop me
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