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Old 09-19-04, 06:19 PM   #32
Darth Vader
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 4
This was feedback posted for Street Legend


My lyrical wrath is catastropic, deep inside you envee me
suspciously, i dont think you can beat me dependently
blah, ok opener 6/10
you gonna be embarresed after this lose fallin in pits
ya kindergarden lyrics portrays that ya got noncomposmentis
lol not bad 7.5/10
i think you was born to infuriate, niggas annoyed wit ya post
this fruit is "sweet" in simplest terms he's infested wit "glucose"
like the wordplay here, punch hit 9/10
empire has been flagellated, unbeaten record put in the cementary
we can tell by ya strange attire that you are eleemosynary(supported by charity)
ok not bad, 7.5/10
you to confident ya cocky but Rv knows ya average kid
Ima "collapse this empire" like he was "Roman" even vets say that ima cataylist
decent closer 7/10

overall 37/50

Try to 'ride' but when 'mindz kollide' i collapse active brain waves
Flow 'mastered' listen 'bastard' as i rap and collapse ya mainframe
good wordplay no punch here tho 4/10
Not 'hot' occupation the 'block' man why you dont stop fronting
You 'weak' yous a 'legend in the street' at dick riding and cock sucking lol nice personel 8/10
No 'struggling' claim you 'hustling' on the block moving that crack work
But yous a 'joke' real hustlers woulnt even be 'broke' on rap verse
Oh DAMN 8/10 good personell
Must be 'slow' this 'ho' just force me to smash and whore um
You 'ass' whole crew 'trash' thats why you last in the forum
blah not feelin it 5/10

overall 35/50

Street wins sry.........