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Old 09-22-04, 12:25 AM   #4
Straight From Da Lab!
Plutonium's Avatar
Posts: 1,630
From: New Zealand

Here's 10 for ya

Just six months in your game, and you call yourself Daclassic//*
I say I want your ass kicked…Messiah lisps “I tnew ru ssa kcikd”//*
Your wack wordplay misfired, your weak punches flows elementary//
I leave your big ass stuck on “Par, roll”ing in a black penitentiary//(Parole)
My “full court press” defense have you “passed out” with no clue//
You can let “disaster strikes”, & still can’t get “a bolt from the blue”//
You think you’re “That much better?” I think you’re just a wanker//**
You think you gangster? I’ll just “Soul Clap” you like a doppelganger//***
No matter how "tight" you "sleep", you still can’t "live the dream"//
You can’t clean my “Ocean of Thoughts” even if you labeled “Chlorine”//

*check join date of Daclassic
**Messiah probably raps in his own language, or can't rap at all
***"That much Better"=check his sig
****stole it from E-Style, they can kiss my ass