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Old 09-22-04, 09:39 AM   #1
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From: Keokuk Ia
Who gives a fuck about the U.S.A???


Who gives a fuck about the U.S.A???

I'm writing this for Slavery (back in the day) the Titanic
Holocaust and the KKK
For the Soldiers that fought in the War
Who was brain wash by the government
and forgot what they really fighting for
I'm writing to enlighten the criminal and judicial laws
to the government who's taking our money
and fu@king us all
I'm talking to the Urban City youth of America
and Columbus azz who brought my black azz
back to America
Then there's Racism
Black's hating White's
Chinese and Asian's and Mexican's
Fighting over fried Rice
and then there's the show the Price is Right
how in the fuck they giving away free money
and there's people starving every night
this ain't right, and it don't make no sense
Why is Bill Clinton the closet thing to a Black President?
He smoke weed. and get his dick suck
so why did they take him out of office
because he's to much like us
So who gives a fuck about the U.S.A??
Since 9-11 we doom to remember this day
that's where terrorist played God
and distinguish heaven from hell
bodies, victim to witness, who leap into life
twin towers just fail
innocent bodies leap to their deaths
struggle to strive, underneath rubbles can't breath
and they need help
and George Bush azz only worried about himself
don't give a fuck about the world and whom ever else
So who gives a fuck about the U.S.A??
There's no freedom ring and the stars didn't fall this way
give my props to Rosa Parks, and the leaders of those
who march, protested for our rights, who believe in Martin Luther King from the start
The Statue of Liberty to the White House
to JFK assassination, did U ever figure it out?
who kill who? and why is there beef between 3 countries?
with Bin Ladin or Sadam starting shit and then running
Is this the land of the free, is this country built up to be
what it is to me
the 13 stripes and 50 stars to me America who's really ready for War???
So who gives a fu@k about the U.S.A??? I must do cause I got to live with the shit everyday.........

uppin for some feedback
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