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Old 09-25-04, 01:14 PM   #18
Aint Afraid To Slaughter
KiTTie's Avatar
Posts: 1,163
From: 4-4-0

Voted For: sHoTTaBoY

ah.... this wasnt tha greatest battle i read, but im givin it 2 ShoTTa cause his made a lil more sense and was more direst D-Dre.... u suck! dont let him in ur crew ShoTTa, i think ull regret it....
DeTiCaTeD To A TrUe LyRiCiSt

ThE NeW kIdS oN tHe BlOcK SuCk A lOt Of DiCk
BoY-gIrL gRoUpS MaKe Me SiCk
AnD I cAn'T WaIt TiL i CaTcH aLl U FaGgOtS iN PuBlIc
ImA LoVe It