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Old 09-26-04, 05:40 AM   #3
Banned: Biting
bLiNkZ's Avatar

it's time 2 send Mommy's boy back to his sarcophagus/
u held the throne for a while but there ain't no stoppin this/
i'm hot wit this, and it's time 4 ur apocolypse/
i'll admit you are slightly underestimated/
bitch im gunna triagulate it then obliterate it/
pop that head swell, put ur 3 alter egos thru triple hell/
make u the only wigger in the WORLD wit fuckin sickle cell/
u wanna talk shit, well bitch check the flip side/
it's now time to even the fucking tide..ur the Jew to my Genocide/
lyical cannibal, rip thru flesh like a wildcat/
i'm a crouching tiger mother fucker and i Chow Yun Fat/
i'm stronger than u, physically, verbally and fuckin mentally/
and while i'm on the subject, what those signs u throwin at me supposed to be?/
thug wannabe, leave u lyin horizontally wit ur balls where ur tonsils should be/
shit...i'm a lyrical gift like a rebirth Shakesphere/
feel the ground shift i'm makin the earth quake here/
the fucked up thing thru all of this is that u got the gift too/
but it's like Luke in Star Wars, u jus duno wat to do/
drop the gangbangin attitude and burn ur doo rag/
and wrap ur mouth on a mic not a fuckin glue bag/
Crush all fuckin opposition like a rap dictator/
crush fake immatators and rap duplicators/
spit hot like the equator and serve that ass like a waiter/
this is a Lyrical Grand Prix and im tha Formula One/