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Old 07-14-02, 01:29 PM   #1
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"The Play part 1/2


reject the effect of neglect and total disrespect I suspect connects to the same name that came from the object of my affect . . .

who in effect is now shunned.

In my mind as I rewind in slow-motion to find that the notion of we being the two and she the one was merely for fun,

if not just a trendy pun to her. And a definition of volition which I must now defer . . .

It occurred to me quite awkwardly that she preferred to be loose.

Got her swerve on with no nerve . . . on my mind was placed a noose.

Put there tight square in the middle of the night by she.

Not with trickery, nor skullduggery; rather subtlety was the aim and the name of the game that she had played on me.

In fact it was her tact-tics being so subtle, that put me on lock

temporarily unable to knock her hustle as she used her feminine gile, sexy smile, and seducing muscle to block my rebuttal.

Yeah, I got caught slippin' and fell . . . hell, hook line and sinker! Thinking myself a thinker was just an idle thought.

And as she caught me by surprise with her tempting thighs and hypnotic eyes . . . I became HYPNOTIZED . . .



So when I woke, it was no joke, I opened my mind only to find I had been played . . .

wool pulled over all three of my eyes.


The Play (Pt. II/remix)

Thought it was love I was addicted to . . .

when in reality I was a victim who went through the formality of becoming a love hangover fatality.

Awakened . . . no, no . . . rather subconsciously shaken out of the hypnosis she imposed upon my person;

I found myself cursin' her name and the ground she walked on,

realizing she had walked on and all over me.

So instead, I cursed myself for losing sense of "self" as I both asked and knew "How could this be?".

Her suggestive phrases, serpentine gazes, and manipulative ways is how she got me.

Always the one to say, "NOT ME!". I fell for the fit of getting shhh for free.

Not only enticed by the vice of the shopping spree;

her ambient glow coupled with the blow of having my ego stroked

provoked my desire for this omissive liar.

I found myself dealing with a soul appealing feeling that caused me with no cerebral pause to be dancing on the ceiling.

And even more revealing was my sense of self that she was now stealing.

And what she stole etched an emotionally visible hole in my soul

leaving half a heart where one was once whole.

From the start I had no part in the lead, speed, or direction of this infection of a two-step.

All the while, off my feet I was swept.

And as infectious as this groove was; I knew it couldn't last cause halfway through, doubt in my mind began to brew.

She began to say and do things that made her seem fake, and her love untrue.

As our groove began to slow, and obvious replaced probable as the mistake in judgment made;

the "In Love Song" started to fade, as the lights came on around me.

So where was she? Caught in the middle of a love triangle

where the one in pain and the one to blame were both me.

This signaled the demise of something I fantasized would be more than a fake fabricated fantasy.

Though pointing my finger in my mind would bring her to justice,

for each finger pointed, three pointed back at me.

I'm afraid I've been played, and only in the mirror could the real culprit be.

I fell so quick and never saw the trap that in hindsight I now see.

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