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Old 09-27-04, 09:46 AM   #1
Emma Dilemma
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Immortal Technique?!


u prolly wont believe this shyt.. but i just thought id tell ya'll.

my friend Chris went to a party last weekend.
when he was there he was approched by this guy.. they were talkin and shyt.. chillin.. and Chris askes if tha dude knows whos house it wuz ( i guess that shyt was REAL big.. tight shyt)
and the dude says to Chris "u ever heard of Immortal Technique?"
and chris wuz like yeah.. (hes a big fan)
tha dude told him it was Immortal Technique's house.. and that tha dude was his producer or sumthin.. and lived there too..
i guess they have parties at that spot every other weekend.. and imma roll through fo sho.

i just thought that shyt was tight...ya'll prolly wont believe me.. or talk shyt or sumthin.. but do whatevah.

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