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Old 09-27-04, 04:02 PM   #4
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Posts: 4,727
From: sacramento

aight i wrote this for my girl......i love you shea...

As this new task called love arrives we sit and patiently wait
As we rise to a new level we surpass sex , love, and hate
As we recreate this thing called love, i realize my true position
As i begin to doubt my love, you help me find my exact ambition
As my heart dims you cliam we are more than just friends
As these tears of hate trickle down my cheek we begin to transcend

despite the fact we have our ups and downs, the result will saty the same
i commit myself to our lve, i set ablaze this adoring flame
see in your minds eyes a passion so great it makes your entire body quiver
but everytime time we argue your words seep beneath my skin like a sliver
our feel of affection for one another was previously insecure
however, as we grew closer as a couple our love begins to mature

As i contianed these thoughts that confuse and belittle my soul
As these thoughts baffle my mentality you helped me gain control
As soon as we touched lips i knew our hears would soon collide
As this cllision occures my heart, body, and soul i strive to provide
As our affection for each other begins to build, we set in motion to entwine
As i momentarily look into our future i initiate to slip into time is real...
my MYSPACE is Better than Yours