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Old 09-28-04, 03:35 PM   #6
Black Poet
Posts: 1,474
From: London

My eyes captured by her beauty, my minds left to crave
Raved about your body, now I’m trapped as your slave
You materialized before me, my soul existents is for you
Show me the true meaning of love, you know it takes two

Four months my advancements were deflected or sadly in vain
You didn’t like the phone sex you said it wouldn’t be the same
Finally information was leaked about her parents being away
No way was I going to miss an opportunity it’s time for us to play

Heart beating triple time as I reach to press the bell
Yelled up to your window, Like I’m under your spell
You opened the door with excitement, readiness on your face
I can’t believe this is our moment, in your parents resting place

The window began to condensate, as the passion started to spark
I caressed her lips gently I’m now on a mission to leave my mark
Just as we began to entwine I heard a key being placed in the door
So we jumped out of bed swiftly & recovered clothes off the floor

We entered he bedroom quietly and sat at opposite sides of the bed
Read the television listings loudly,,.. if her dad finds out I’m dead

Later on that night as I drifted off to sleep, she slowly moved off her bed
She started to embrace me like she did before, readiness her face again read
Our bodies entwined locked in the most passionate moment of our life
To this day we still love each other, and a year ago she became my wife

~Married a year and two months now and we are still goin
strong haha~
